Directed and produced by Stuart Brown, this 22-minute Broadcast TV documentary on Machinima, featuring the production of the Eschaton series. Features Machinima producers including Strange Company, the Ill Clan, Uwe Girlich, James Hamer-Morton and more!
"Artery Documentary Released! - 2003-07-17
The documentary is out! Get it from now!
Full release for press follows.
For Immediate Release:
A documentary showcasing a new medium for movie-making has been released on the Internet by website
Made for UK TV channel STV, 'Artery: Machinima' follows animators 'Strange Company', as they produce an action-packed series using 'Machinima' - film-making in a virtual reality.
Thanks to an agreement with Machinima hub, 'Artery: Machinima', which was previously only viewable in Scotland, is now available world-wide.
Machinima has been described as 'film-making in a virtual reality' by its advocates. 'Artery' follows 'Strange Company', one such group, as they produce their films 'Eschaton' and 'Steelwight' using the latest Machinima technology.
Using techniques originally developed for the latest generation of computer games, Machinima allows animators to create films for a fraction of the expense that conventional animation requires. In 'Artery', we meet these groups, from 'Strange Company' in Scotland to the 'Ill Clan' in New York, and learn how this new technology may shape the face of filmmaking to come, at least partially through Strange Company's upcoming production, 'Steelwight'.
Hugh Hancock, machinima pioneer and director of Strange Company, describes 'Steelwight' as 'Dangerous Liaisons meets The Matrix; a tale of swashbuckling adventure in a city of horrors'. Using Machinima, the Strange Company team intend to bring 'Steelwight' to the screen for a fraction of the cost of conventional animation, and are currently seeking investment for this ambitious project.
Strange Company have worked in the field of machinima for six years. They have been pioneers in bringing the techniques to large-scale and successful commercial projects for Electronic Arts and the BBC, as well as producing acclaimed short films. is the world-wide hub of the Machinima movement, serving over 4,000,000 pages and 300,000 films a year to the Machinima community on the Internet.
The documentary was produced by Glasgow-based Posh Pictures, and is director Stuart Brown's directorial debut.
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Further Information:" --from the press release issued by, 17 July 2003